Back in 2008, Robert Downey Jr.’s 'Tony Stark' put on a metal suit to fight terrorists. In the process, he became Iron Man, and kick-started the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Many of you might say there were Marvel movies before Iron Man. But i

Everything you want to read in one place.
Back in 2008, Robert Downey Jr.’s 'Tony Stark' put on a metal suit to fight terrorists. In the process, he became Iron Man, and kick-started the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Many of you might say there were Marvel movies before Iron Man. But i
When someone who has aced the Civil Services examination right in his first attempt turns up to visit his college, it becomes a celebration. Particularly for a person who has secured an All-India Rank of 72 to be proudly inducted into the Indian Admi
Anna University celebrated remarkably the 67th Republic Day on the 26th of January 2016, between 7 and 10 AM in front of the magnificent red building in the CEG campus. Republic Day commemorates India's constitution coming into force on January 26
I remember I once read a blog post long ago titled, ‘The days are long, but the decades short’. How true. Things are suddenly so different. After all the loud partying comes to an end, the air always seems heavy with thought. Talking about what is n
There is almost only 3 days now, to the close of 2015. For most people, this is a time for retrospection – looking back on the year for its best and worst moments. But we only ever do it for ourselves, that is, each person looks back on their own yea
With a hall not so full, we wonder if this club has created enough buzz, at the sametime stressing on the necessity of this club to kindle the quizzer in you. With Dr. Sumanth C. Raman as guest of honour, it was a pleasure to mention hi
If you’re a final year student, then the placement madness has already started. You must have already got topics to freshen up on for the mock tests – and very soon, the actual placement tests will begin. One of the best ways to go about this is to t
Dragon Blade? What movie is this? When did it release? I had the same questions in mind too. After coming to know that it was a Jackie Chan starrer, I decided to give it a go. So there may arise another question in your minds. Why Dragon Blade and
Events are among the biggest crowd pullers in every edition of Kurushetra. We meet the guys who have been juggling over 30 events including online events which attract international participation. Here is what Gopi, Sundar, Anish and Go
Back in 2008, Robert Downey Jr.’s 'Tony Stark' put on a metal suit to fight terrorists. In the process, he became Iron Man, and kick-started the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Many of you might say there were Marvel movies before Iron Man. But i
When someone who has aced the Civil Services examination right in his first attempt turns up to visit his college, it becomes a celebration. Particularly for a person who has secured an All-India Rank of 72 to be proudly inducted into the Indian Admi
Anna University celebrated remarkably the 67th Republic Day on the 26th of January 2016, between 7 and 10 AM in front of the magnificent red building in the CEG campus. Republic Day commemorates India's constitution coming into force on January 26
I remember I once read a blog post long ago titled, ‘The days are long, but the decades short’. How true. Things are suddenly so different. After all the loud partying comes to an end, the air always seems heavy with thought. Talking about what is n
There is almost only 3 days now, to the close of 2015. For most people, this is a time for retrospection – looking back on the year for its best and worst moments. But we only ever do it for ourselves, that is, each person looks back on their own yea
With a hall not so full, we wonder if this club has created enough buzz, at the sametime stressing on the necessity of this club to kindle the quizzer in you. With Dr. Sumanth C. Raman as guest of honour, it was a pleasure to mention hi
If you’re a final year student, then the placement madness has already started. You must have already got topics to freshen up on for the mock tests – and very soon, the actual placement tests will begin. One of the best ways to go about this is to t
Dragon Blade? What movie is this? When did it release? I had the same questions in mind too. After coming to know that it was a Jackie Chan starrer, I decided to give it a go. So there may arise another question in your minds. Why Dragon Blade and
Events are among the biggest crowd pullers in every edition of Kurushetra. We meet the guys who have been juggling over 30 events including online events which attract international participation. Here is what Gopi, Sundar, Anish and Go