

Everything you want to read in one place.

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With just three days to go, the CTF workstations were bustling with acitivity. In the middle of all the action, three reporters from GT were trying to get a glimpse of what exactly happens in these k!ore teams. When we did manage to get them away fro

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Is ignorance bliss?

Fierce #10 In a society where words like ‘modernization’ and ‘empowerment’ are thrown at us every single day, I still cannot help but wonder, if we really are moving towards a better place? Today’s women are amongst the brightest and biggest achi

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Waves - Going Tech Savvy For A Non-Technical Event

After Kurukshetra and Techofes, it’s now time for the department symposiums to take centre stage. The 33rd edition of Waves, the national level techno-management symposium conducted by the Society of Electrical and Electronics Engineers of CEG has

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Lighting up society – Aakriti's Kiara

In wake of recent events in society such as the violent incidents which have befallen women, which is all one can talk about nowadays. The number of concerned parents is skyrocketing with restrictions being imposed on girls in fear of threats. To dis

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Enough is Enough!

Did you know that a girl gets raped every 20 minutes in India ? or that 94% of rape or abuse victims know their attacker ? Over the last couple of years, with the advent of media coverage and out pour on violence against women and sexual assault, w

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Women of Honour

I remember a time when my own grandmother offered my brother more food than me saying “boys need more strength than girls”. This may seem like a petty issue but still, don’t you think these serve as root causes for the mistakes we make later. The pro

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An Ode To A Mother

As I look into my mother’s withered eyes, I see pain. More than physical pain, it is the agony borne out of the fact that she has been reduced to a shadow of her once vibrant self. My mother met with a car accident in the recent past which rendered h

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Importance of CGPA

At one point of time in college life, I'm pretty sure you would have come across the question, "How important is CGPA?". Here's the funny thing. The answer varies from person to person. Ask an eight or nine plus pointer, and he or she will say, "It i

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Sneak Peak into Anna University's Wall Street

Most successful entrepreneurs don’t begin with brilliant ideas. They discover them.  And that’s exactly what Anna University’s Center for Entrepreneurship Development (C.E.D) did when they came up with a gem of the idea for the ‘E-Summit’, a traditio

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With just three days to go, the CTF workstations were bustling with acitivity. In the middle of all the action, three reporters from GT were trying to get a glimpse of what exactly happens in these k!ore teams. When we did manage to get them away fro

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Is ignorance bliss?

Fierce #10 In a society where words like ‘modernization’ and ‘empowerment’ are thrown at us every single day, I still cannot help but wonder, if we really are moving towards a better place? Today’s women are amongst the brightest and biggest achi

After Kurukshetra and Techofes, it’s now time for the department symposiums to take centre stage. The 33rd edition of Waves, the national level techno-management symposium conducted by the Society of Electrical and Electronics Engineers of CEG has

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Lighting up society – Aakriti's Kiara

In wake of recent events in society such as the violent incidents which have befallen women, which is all one can talk about nowadays. The number of concerned parents is skyrocketing with restrictions being imposed on girls in fear of threats. To dis

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In Conversation With Abhas Mitra – The Man Who Threw Light On Black Holes!

The concept of “black holes” has never failed to captivate us, be it in movies like Interstellar or from the famous series like The Big Bang Theory anything with those few words catches our eyes. But what exactly are black holes, and do they really e

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Enough is Enough!

Did you know that a girl gets raped every 20 minutes in India ? or that 94% of rape or abuse victims know their attacker ? Over the last couple of years, with the advent of media coverage and out pour on violence against women and sexual assault, w

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Women of Honour

I remember a time when my own grandmother offered my brother more food than me saying “boys need more strength than girls”. This may seem like a petty issue but still, don’t you think these serve as root causes for the mistakes we make later. The pro

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An Ode To A Mother

As I look into my mother’s withered eyes, I see pain. More than physical pain, it is the agony borne out of the fact that she has been reduced to a shadow of her once vibrant self. My mother met with a car accident in the recent past which rendered h

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Importance of CGPA

At one point of time in college life, I'm pretty sure you would have come across the question, "How important is CGPA?". Here's the funny thing. The answer varies from person to person. Ask an eight or nine plus pointer, and he or she will say, "It i

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Sneak Peak into Anna University's Wall Street

Most successful entrepreneurs don’t begin with brilliant ideas. They discover them.  And that’s exactly what Anna University’s Center for Entrepreneurship Development (C.E.D) did when they came up with a gem of the idea for the ‘E-Summit’, a traditio