

Everything you want to read in one place.

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Internet’s Colour Pencils

Colour pencils were a bliss to everyone as toddlers. I found my eternal joy in filling my sketches with the colours of my choice, scribbling and doodling over existing pictures in magazines and newspapers to give a hilariously revamped look to the mo

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A Japanese Adventure

In this competitive world, one needs to stand out if he/she wants to come out with flying colours. Your academic life is like a relay on a track where people miss the gold in milliseconds. Knowledge of a reliable foreign language is one among those

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A Special Thought for the Special Children

What you sow, so you reap. It takes a thought to sow an action. Every great initiative starts with a thought. However, for this thought to take shape, you need belief and courage and Vidhaigal is just that – a result of the hard work and dedication s

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Halo Wings 2016

It was 490BC when Pheidippides had to run a hell lot of distance, all just to deliver a message. It was the battle of Marathon. In this era of a "global village" and instant communication, what purpose does a marathon serve?                 Some say,

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Meeting Mr Saji Thomas - the real engineer!

Isn't it incredible to know that a school drop-out, who can't hear or talk by birth, has built an aircraft from scratch, all by himself! Mr Saji Thomas, who braved all odds and achieved this feat, was the winner of the ‘Prodigious Engineer’ award at

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As Kurukshetra is fast approaching, we went to have a small chat with the various organizing teams. It was a mediocre noon with the sun shining on our faces when we walked towards our very own CTF to get a glimpse of the heroes in action and get some

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k! 2016 HR|IR|Finance

  Just like the cyclotron, k!ore members  are high in energy and have been accelerating things at high speed with the tenth edition of Kurukshetra just a day away. However, when we did manage to borrow few minutes of their busy schedule, here’s what

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The national-level technical symposium ‘Vision 2017’ hosted by the ECEA (Electronics and Communication Engineering Association) of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of College of Engineering Guindy, was held on Friday and Sa

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With the motto to improve the campus-community linkage across barriers and turn the spotlight from a shocking, dark nightmare to better and bright dreams, the office bearers and volunteers of NSS Unit 4 organised Aatral, which saw its first edition i

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Internet’s Colour Pencils

Colour pencils were a bliss to everyone as toddlers. I found my eternal joy in filling my sketches with the colours of my choice, scribbling and doodling over existing pictures in magazines and newspapers to give a hilariously revamped look to the mo

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A Japanese Adventure

In this competitive world, one needs to stand out if he/she wants to come out with flying colours. Your academic life is like a relay on a track where people miss the gold in milliseconds. Knowledge of a reliable foreign language is one among those

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A Special Thought for the Special Children

What you sow, so you reap. It takes a thought to sow an action. Every great initiative starts with a thought. However, for this thought to take shape, you need belief and courage and Vidhaigal is just that – a result of the hard work and dedication s

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Halo Wings 2016

It was 490BC when Pheidippides had to run a hell lot of distance, all just to deliver a message. It was the battle of Marathon. In this era of a "global village" and instant communication, what purpose does a marathon serve?                 Some say,

Isn't it incredible to know that a school drop-out, who can't hear or talk by birth, has built an aircraft from scratch, all by himself! Mr Saji Thomas, who braved all odds and achieved this feat, was the winner of the ‘Prodigious Engineer’ award at

Our college just witnessed a successful edition of one of its most coveted fests- Kurukshetra. The reason for this could be attributed to various factors but one such core that requires due credit is the finance core for channelizing and mobilizing a

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As Kurukshetra is fast approaching, we went to have a small chat with the various organizing teams. It was a mediocre noon with the sun shining on our faces when we walked towards our very own CTF to get a glimpse of the heroes in action and get some

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k! 2016 HR|IR|Finance

  Just like the cyclotron, k!ore members  are high in energy and have been accelerating things at high speed with the tenth edition of Kurukshetra just a day away. However, when we did manage to borrow few minutes of their busy schedule, here’s what

The national-level technical symposium ‘Vision 2017’ hosted by the ECEA (Electronics and Communication Engineering Association) of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of College of Engineering Guindy, was held on Friday and Sa

With the motto to improve the campus-community linkage across barriers and turn the spotlight from a shocking, dark nightmare to better and bright dreams, the office bearers and volunteers of NSS Unit 4 organised Aatral, which saw its first edition i