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Pre Placement Offers: Job Won Over

PPO. It stands for Pre-Placement Offer. It is what it sounds like. You get a placement in a company. Ok now seriously what in the world are PPOs? We ask this question to Surendhar(4th year, CSE) and he gives me the layman's definition. When you are

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Campus Placements - August 2014

When you see 4th years/Masters students wearing neatly ironed formals on a daily basis, accompanied with polished shoes, smelling pleasant and looking fresh then you know it’s this time of the year – THE PLACEMENTS SEASON. You see Facebook status

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Experience of ECE interns

                  Do you want to be one of them or the only one out of them? You might have played it safe all your life, not being an extremist. Neither a back bencher nor a topper! The bitter truth is mediocrity is not what your intervie

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AU Swimming Pool - 2 parts 'H'eart, 1 part 'O'bsession

                  Location: Opposite Manufacturing department Timings: 6am to 8am 9am to 10am (Ladies Only) 4pm to 6pm (Tuesday Holiday) Anna University is known for its huge campus and the facilities it provides. The swimming pool,

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Pre Placement Offers: Job Won Over

PPO. It stands for Pre-Placement Offer. It is what it sounds like. You get a placement in a company. Ok now seriously what in the world are PPOs? We ask this question to Surendhar(4th year, CSE) and he gives me the layman's definition. When you are

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Campus Placements - August 2014

When you see 4th years/Masters students wearing neatly ironed formals on a daily basis, accompanied with polished shoes, smelling pleasant and looking fresh then you know it’s this time of the year – THE PLACEMENTS SEASON. You see Facebook status

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Experience of ECE interns

                  Do you want to be one of them or the only one out of them? You might have played it safe all your life, not being an extremist. Neither a back bencher nor a topper! The bitter truth is mediocrity is not what your intervie

                  Location: Opposite Manufacturing department Timings: 6am to 8am 9am to 10am (Ladies Only) 4pm to 6pm (Tuesday Holiday) Anna University is known for its huge campus and the facilities it provides. The swimming pool,