When I was in the 12th grade, I badly wanted to get into Anna University because 4 of my big brothers were studying there at the time. The Lord Jesus granted me my heart’s desire and before I knew it I was in the first ever batch of Materials Sci

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When I was in the 12th grade, I badly wanted to get into Anna University because 4 of my big brothers were studying there at the time. The Lord Jesus granted me my heart’s desire and before I knew it I was in the first ever batch of Materials Sci
During one of those long nights spent for last minute exam preparation, my eyes were begging for sleep, despite having loads of pages yet to be turned. And somewhere amidst sabine’s law and diffraction, something completely out of the blue popp
“Phone ko bana do SELL phone!” Each and every one of us who spend some quality time plonking ourselves before the television or youtube have ended up hearing this tagline more than a million times in the past few months. And believe it or not,
When I was in the 12th grade, I badly wanted to get into Anna University because 4 of my big brothers were studying there at the time. The Lord Jesus granted me my heart’s desire and before I knew it I was in the first ever batch of Materials Sci
During one of those long nights spent for last minute exam preparation, my eyes were begging for sleep, despite having loads of pages yet to be turned. And somewhere amidst sabine’s law and diffraction, something completely out of the blue popp
“Phone ko bana do SELL phone!” Each and every one of us who spend some quality time plonking ourselves before the television or youtube have ended up hearing this tagline more than a million times in the past few months. And believe it or not,