

Everything you want to read in one place.

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Humanity - The Flower that Blooms in a Storm

Humanity is about being kind and not expecting anything in return. As the human race evolved, humanity began to decline. We have the freedom to communicate our thoughts, and travel to places but still, there are many who are deprived of this freedom.

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Humanity is about being kind and not expecting anything in return. As the human race evolved, humanity began to decline. We have the freedom to communicate our thoughts, and travel to places but still, there are many who are deprived of this freedom.

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Influence Of Media On The Present Generation

The influence of mass media or ‘the media effect’ affects many aspects of human life, which includes voting a certain way, individual views and beliefs, or skewing a person’s knowledge of a specific topic due to being provided false information. Medi

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Are Tiny Bots the Future?

Tiny robots! What comes to mind when you first hear these words? Do you imagine a teensy tiny human-like robot? Does the movie "Big Hero 6" come to mind? Or does the wit within you think about the tiny robot insects used by the military? Well, my fri

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தேய்பிறை முதல் வளர்பிறை வரை

நேற்று இருந்த இடத்தில் பூமி இன்றில்லை வாழ்க்கை என்ற ஓடத்தில் நிலையானது எதுவுமில்லை ஒரே பாதையில் பயணங்கள் தொடர்வதும் இல்லை திசைகள் மாறினாலும் சென்று சேருமிடம் மாறுவதில்லை   கனியாய் மாறாமல் உதிர்ந்த பூக்கள்தான் மண்ணில் கரைந்து மரத்திற

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The Silver Lining of the COVID Cloud

Warren Buffett once said, “When something bad happens you have 3 choices. You can let it define you, let it destroy you, or let it strengthen you.” Globally, educationists, undaunted by the COVID pandemic crisis, have sought to strengthen and sustain

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Mythology and Modern Times

“A culture without mythology is not really a civilization.”  – Vilayanur S.Ramachandran  Mythology and modernism—sounds almost like a classic oxymoron, doesn’t it? While we as Gen Z-ers might strongly concur, it helps to unravel this conundrum fro

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An Insight Into Toxic Fandoms

The Anime Community has steadily been rising, with various shows capturing the hearts of people around the world. Be it the plot, the endearing characters, the world-building, the music or the animation, each fandom appreciates their show for unique

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Has Feminism Failed Us?

“Feminists are just playing the victim” “Feminism says women are weak” “Feminists hate men”   “Feminism” has definitely become a buzz term in today's day and age. Some groups identify with it and others are repelled. Where did this start

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Intern Diaries 5.0: An Interview with Pranav

Internship: VISA Interviewer: Nitish Dinesh, 3rd Year Student, Bachelors in Electronic & Communication Engineering, CEG. Interviewee: Pranav Chandar KR, Final Year, Bachelors in Computer Science Engineering, CEG.   GT: How did you come ac

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Humanity - The Flower that Blooms in a Storm

Humanity is about being kind and not expecting anything in return. As the human race evolved, humanity began to decline. We have the freedom to communicate our thoughts, and travel to places but still, there are many who are deprived of this freedom.

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Humanity is about being kind and not expecting anything in return. As the human race evolved, humanity began to decline. We have the freedom to communicate our thoughts, and travel to places but still, there are many who are deprived of this freedom.

The influence of mass media or ‘the media effect’ affects many aspects of human life, which includes voting a certain way, individual views and beliefs, or skewing a person’s knowledge of a specific topic due to being provided false information. Medi

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Are Tiny Bots the Future?

Tiny robots! What comes to mind when you first hear these words? Do you imagine a teensy tiny human-like robot? Does the movie "Big Hero 6" come to mind? Or does the wit within you think about the tiny robot insects used by the military? Well, my fri

நேற்று இருந்த இடத்தில் பூமி இன்றில்லை வாழ்க்கை என்ற ஓடத்தில் நிலையானது எதுவுமில்லை ஒரே பாதையில் பயணங்கள் தொடர்வதும் இல்லை திசைகள் மாறினாலும் சென்று சேருமிடம் மாறுவதில்லை   கனியாய் மாறாமல் உதிர்ந்த பூக்கள்தான் மண்ணில் கரைந்து மரத்திற

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The Silver Lining of the COVID Cloud

Warren Buffett once said, “When something bad happens you have 3 choices. You can let it define you, let it destroy you, or let it strengthen you.” Globally, educationists, undaunted by the COVID pandemic crisis, have sought to strengthen and sustain

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Mythology and Modern Times

“A culture without mythology is not really a civilization.”  – Vilayanur S.Ramachandran  Mythology and modernism—sounds almost like a classic oxymoron, doesn’t it? While we as Gen Z-ers might strongly concur, it helps to unravel this conundrum fro

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An Insight Into Toxic Fandoms

The Anime Community has steadily been rising, with various shows capturing the hearts of people around the world. Be it the plot, the endearing characters, the world-building, the music or the animation, each fandom appreciates their show for unique

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Has Feminism Failed Us?

“Feminists are just playing the victim” “Feminism says women are weak” “Feminists hate men”   “Feminism” has definitely become a buzz term in today's day and age. Some groups identify with it and others are repelled. Where did this start

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Intern Diaries 5.0: An Interview with Pranav

Internship: VISA Interviewer: Nitish Dinesh, 3rd Year Student, Bachelors in Electronic & Communication Engineering, CEG. Interviewee: Pranav Chandar KR, Final Year, Bachelors in Computer Science Engineering, CEG.   GT: How did you come ac