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chocolates's Articles

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World Chocolate Day

All the chocoholics out there, did you guys know that there was a day celebrated as the World Chocolate Day? The World Chocolate Day, also known as International Chocolate Day is globally celebrated on the 7th of July every year. This day celebrates

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My box of chocolates

CEG is my synonym for a box of chocolates! Have you ever tried to raise up your collar to flaunt that you are a proud CEGian, but ended up getting a big unexpected bummer? Well, almost everybody has had this experience at least once! Ever had the

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World Chocolate Day

All the chocoholics out there, did you guys know that there was a day celebrated as the World Chocolate Day? The World Chocolate Day, also known as International Chocolate Day is globally celebrated on the 7th of July every year. This day celebrates

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My box of chocolates

CEG is my synonym for a box of chocolates! Have you ever tried to raise up your collar to flaunt that you are a proud CEGian, but ended up getting a big unexpected bummer? Well, almost everybody has had this experience at least once! Ever had the