Have you ever dreamt of living the ‘REEL’ LIFE? Fantasy: Is it raining? Let’s dance in the middle of the street, everybody! Reality: I crossed the road and I survived. Fantasy: Have I found ‘The One’? <Cue SRK song and slow motion> Reality: T

Everything you want to read in one place.
Have you ever dreamt of living the ‘REEL’ LIFE? Fantasy: Is it raining? Let’s dance in the middle of the street, everybody! Reality: I crossed the road and I survived. Fantasy: Have I found ‘The One’? <Cue SRK song and slow motion> Reality: T
No Chennaite can ever deny their love for the Marina, The hometown for AR Rahman to squash star Joshna! Filter coffee whose aroma remains afresh in every Chennaite's nose, Or Rajini's first day first shows!! Chennai boasts of a rich co
The tennis courts occupy a corner of our big campus. We boast of as many as four well-maintained clay courts and two hard courts, much more than most of the campuses in India can. Let’s find out more about these courts from Mr. Suresh Sonachalam
Have you ever dreamt of living the ‘REEL’ LIFE? Fantasy: Is it raining? Let’s dance in the middle of the street, everybody! Reality: I crossed the road and I survived. Fantasy: Have I found ‘The One’? <Cue SRK song and slow motion> Reality: T
No Chennaite can ever deny their love for the Marina, The hometown for AR Rahman to squash star Joshna! Filter coffee whose aroma remains afresh in every Chennaite's nose, Or Rajini's first day first shows!! Chennai boasts of a rich co
The tennis courts occupy a corner of our big campus. We boast of as many as four well-maintained clay courts and two hard courts, much more than most of the campuses in India can. Let’s find out more about these courts from Mr. Suresh Sonachalam