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#friendship's Articles

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Manjummel Boys

“A friend is one soul abiding in two bodies.” -Aristotle Manjummel boys is a wholesome, seat-edging, nail-biting piece of entertainment; an absolute roller coaster ride all through the movie. It is really worth to be experienced in the theatre

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Marks of Memories

The sun shining bright In the spring’s embrace Cast a grey blanket Over herself, sobbing.   Her tears washed away half the blooms And mine joined hers, Seeking to wash away my ring’s mark   My wrist, once adorned by

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Manjummel Boys

“A friend is one soul abiding in two bodies.” -Aristotle Manjummel boys is a wholesome, seat-edging, nail-biting piece of entertainment; an absolute roller coaster ride all through the movie. It is really worth to be experienced in the theatre

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Marks of Memories

The sun shining bright In the spring’s embrace Cast a grey blanket Over herself, sobbing.   Her tears washed away half the blooms And mine joined hers, Seeking to wash away my ring’s mark   My wrist, once adorned by