The Topaz glow of The morning sun hit The Sapphire mirror Of the lake to get reflected On the swathe blanket Of Emerald grass dotted With Ruby red flowers And diamond dewdrops The sun turned Citrine, Shining

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The Topaz glow of The morning sun hit The Sapphire mirror Of the lake to get reflected On the swathe blanket Of Emerald grass dotted With Ruby red flowers And diamond dewdrops The sun turned Citrine, Shining
Sunlight weaves its golden strands, As snowflakes melt under its gentle caress. From barren branches, buds sprout, As winter bows gracefully to spring's irresistible summons, I open the window in delight. Lilac asters, primrose, tulip
The Topaz glow of The morning sun hit The Sapphire mirror Of the lake to get reflected On the swathe blanket Of Emerald grass dotted With Ruby red flowers And diamond dewdrops The sun turned Citrine, Shining
Sunlight weaves its golden strands, As snowflakes melt under its gentle caress. From barren branches, buds sprout, As winter bows gracefully to spring's irresistible summons, I open the window in delight. Lilac asters, primrose, tulip