Your little idiosyncrasies Bloom the petals of love, On my monochrome road. All my life, I have been traveling On the road not taken by others— Bustle of orange skies, Dry shades of leaves beneath my shoes, The hymn of life

Everything you want to read in one place.
Your little idiosyncrasies Bloom the petals of love, On my monochrome road. All my life, I have been traveling On the road not taken by others— Bustle of orange skies, Dry shades of leaves beneath my shoes, The hymn of life
Sunlight weaves its golden strands, As snowflakes melt under its gentle caress. From barren branches, buds sprout, As winter bows gracefully to spring's irresistible summons, I open the window in delight. Lilac asters, primrose, tulip
Your little idiosyncrasies Bloom the petals of love, On my monochrome road. All my life, I have been traveling On the road not taken by others— Bustle of orange skies, Dry shades of leaves beneath my shoes, The hymn of life
Sunlight weaves its golden strands, As snowflakes melt under its gentle caress. From barren branches, buds sprout, As winter bows gracefully to spring's irresistible summons, I open the window in delight. Lilac asters, primrose, tulip