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The 100th Birthday of the Milkman of India November 26th 2021

The campus of CEG gloriously commemorated the 100th birthday of Dr Verghese Kurien on the 26th of November this year. How the ‘Father of the White Revolution in India built what is now a $5.3 billion-turnover dairy enterprise owned by 3.6 million far

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Post-Graduation Series : An Interview with Queen Suraajini

INTERVIEWEE: QUEEN SURAAJINI – Climate Risk Associate with Planetrics and McKinsey, London INTERVIEWER: BRINDHA B – 3rd Year B. Tech Information Technology, CEG (GT)   GT:  Could you briefly explain the admission procedure and exams required

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Hyperstack Certificates

Colleges have become bursting at the seams with activity recently. College-hosted competitions have become so widespread and interactive, and cover a wide variety of subjects and topics. Students have become very interested in these competitions.

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Post-Graduation Series : An Interview with Pavithra Kumar

Pavithra Kumar Completed Master of Business Administration degree in IIT Madras   Interviewer:  A. Ashwin Kumar (GT) Interviewee:  Pavithra Kumar     GT: Please introduce yourself and tell us about your areas of interest.  

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Post-Graduation Series : An Interview with Bhuvanesh

Interviewer: Abiramashree Interviewee: Mr. Bhuvanesh Course: Masters in Computer Science, Georgia Tech.   GT: How did you prepare yourself for the internship, and how would you describe your internship experience?    Bhuvanesh: Comp

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Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav - NSS

The two-day workshop organized by the NSS for tribal school students from all over Tamil Nadu was, inarguably, an enormously impactful event. Professor Vipin inaugurated the programme with the preface of better preparing students to face the windows

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இசையின் மீது யாம் கொண்ட காதல்

வெயிலின் தாக்கத்தை விளக்கும் விருட்சம் போல; என் வெறுமையின் தாக்கத்தை விளக்குவது உம்மீது யாம் கொண்ட விருப்பம்! உன்மீது இருப்பது காதலா என நான் அறியேன்! அது காதல் தான் என்று சொல்லும் என் மனதிற்கும் ; அது காதல் இல்லை, என்று சொல்லும் என

Interviewer-N. Vasanth [4th year, EEE department] Interviewee-Priyadarshini.T [MSC: Environmental Engineering TU Delft Netherlands]   GT: You have taken Environmental Engineering as your Masters course. So what drove you to apply for such

Interviewer: Nitish D, 2nd year, ECE department Interviewee: Abinaya Senthil, MS ECE, Boston University   GT: What led you to select ECE in your postgraduate studies? Abinaya: I was much more interested in the Electronics domain than in C

The campus of CEG gloriously commemorated the 100th birthday of Dr Verghese Kurien on the 26th of November this year. How the ‘Father of the White Revolution in India built what is now a $5.3 billion-turnover dairy enterprise owned by 3.6 million far

INTERVIEWEE: QUEEN SURAAJINI – Climate Risk Associate with Planetrics and McKinsey, London INTERVIEWER: BRINDHA B – 3rd Year B. Tech Information Technology, CEG (GT)   GT:  Could you briefly explain the admission procedure and exams required

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Hyperstack Certificates

Colleges have become bursting at the seams with activity recently. College-hosted competitions have become so widespread and interactive, and cover a wide variety of subjects and topics. Students have become very interested in these competitions.

Pavithra Kumar Completed Master of Business Administration degree in IIT Madras   Interviewer:  A. Ashwin Kumar (GT) Interviewee:  Pavithra Kumar     GT: Please introduce yourself and tell us about your areas of interest.  

Interviewer: Abiramashree Interviewee: Mr. Bhuvanesh Course: Masters in Computer Science, Georgia Tech.   GT: How did you prepare yourself for the internship, and how would you describe your internship experience?    Bhuvanesh: Comp

Masters in Applied Remote Sensing for Earth Sciences at ITC, University of Twente (2018-2020) PhD in Planetary Sciences at Institut für Planetologie Münster (2020-current)   Interviewer: R. Nithisree (GT) Interviewee: Racheal Marshall

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Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav - NSS

The two-day workshop organized by the NSS for tribal school students from all over Tamil Nadu was, inarguably, an enormously impactful event. Professor Vipin inaugurated the programme with the preface of better preparing students to face the windows

வெயிலின் தாக்கத்தை விளக்கும் விருட்சம் போல; என் வெறுமையின் தாக்கத்தை விளக்குவது உம்மீது யாம் கொண்ட விருப்பம்! உன்மீது இருப்பது காதலா என நான் அறியேன்! அது காதல் தான் என்று சொல்லும் என் மனதிற்கும் ; அது காதல் இல்லை, என்று சொல்லும் என