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creativity's Articles

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Dream your way into being more creative

Dreams can be your wildest fantasies or the most startling hallucinations. Scientists and researchers haven’t been able to figure out the exact reason why dreams occur and what they actually mean. Some claim that they are a representation of the memo

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Are sarcastic people too smart to use sarcasm?

Sometimes people use sarcasm, meaning they say the opposite of what they mean (e.g., saying “I’m so happy,” when they’re actually unhappy, or “I’m a genius” when they’ve done something stupid). Regarded as the highest form of intelligence, sarcasm is

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A Journey into Travel Photography

Travel always has always been intertwined with the emotions of people, because of its ability to make one experience a culture, food, people and lifestyle and what not, different from their own. ‘Money fills one’s pocket but travel fills one’s spirit

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Dream your way into being more creative

Dreams can be your wildest fantasies or the most startling hallucinations. Scientists and researchers haven’t been able to figure out the exact reason why dreams occur and what they actually mean. Some claim that they are a representation of the memo

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Are sarcastic people too smart to use sarcasm?

Sometimes people use sarcasm, meaning they say the opposite of what they mean (e.g., saying “I’m so happy,” when they’re actually unhappy, or “I’m a genius” when they’ve done something stupid). Regarded as the highest form of intelligence, sarcasm is

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A Journey into Travel Photography

Travel always has always been intertwined with the emotions of people, because of its ability to make one experience a culture, food, people and lifestyle and what not, different from their own. ‘Money fills one’s pocket but travel fills one’s spirit