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campus's Articles

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Into the Unknown!

7:15 AM! I used to be cosy in bed but nowadays I’m already in this cramped up bus! This would be my constant thought every morning as I tried to hold on to one of the bars to keep myself from falling over the person next to me. I studied in a school,

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Into the Unknown!

7:15 AM! I used to be cosy in bed but nowadays I’m already in this cramped up bus! This would be my constant thought every morning as I tried to hold on to one of the bars to keep myself from falling over the person next to me. I studied in a school,

The Alumni Association of College of Engineering Guindy conducted its 40th year Ruby Reunion for 1975-80 batch on 18th January 2020. CEG Alumni of that batch from several corners of the world, gathered in the Alumni Centre to begin their nostalgic tr