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Personality's Articles

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How Trends Shape our Thinking

I had a frightening realization after watching ‘The Social Dilemma’; I realized that I’ve been behaving almost exactly like the movie predicted I would. The only reason I watched the movie in the first place was so that I wouldn’t fall behind on the

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Rewinding the Past

I have been thinking about my past for quite some time now while wondering what I would do if I had the chance to change it. Well, to my surprise, I found it hard to come up with anything significant. There are a lot of moments from the past that I r

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Psychoanalysis and MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)

Human psychology is something humanity is yet to wrap their heads around and comprehend to its fullest. As in the theory of relativity and turbulence, a vague explanation is all that was proposed. Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalys

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How Trends Shape our Thinking

I had a frightening realization after watching ‘The Social Dilemma’; I realized that I’ve been behaving almost exactly like the movie predicted I would. The only reason I watched the movie in the first place was so that I wouldn’t fall behind on the

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Rewinding the Past

I have been thinking about my past for quite some time now while wondering what I would do if I had the chance to change it. Well, to my surprise, I found it hard to come up with anything significant. There are a lot of moments from the past that I r

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Psychoanalysis and MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)

Human psychology is something humanity is yet to wrap their heads around and comprehend to its fullest. As in the theory of relativity and turbulence, a vague explanation is all that was proposed. Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalys