The era of computing is about to enter a new level with the advent of quantum computing. This quantum computer works on quantum bits or qubits, unlike digital computers which work on binary digits or bits (1 or 0). The quantum computers use vario
AI-The Future is Here
Artificial Intelligence - a term that was nothing more than science fiction for the past few decades- has set its roots deep into the human culture. The concept of a machine thinking like a human may sound freaky for an instance but knowingly or unkn
Microsoft And GitHub
Microsoft’s acquisition of GitHub came as a surprise to many in the tech industry. Microsoft acquired GitHub, Inc. for $7.5 billion. This came as a big surprise because in 2001, then Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer was against open source software and ca
The era of computing is about to enter a new level with the advent of quantum computing. This quantum computer works on quantum bits or qubits, unlike digital computers which work on binary digits or bits (1 or 0). The quantum computers use vario
Artificial Intelligence - a term that was nothing more than science fiction for the past few decades- has set its roots deep into the human culture. The concept of a machine thinking like a human may sound freaky for an instance but knowingly or unkn
Microsoft’s acquisition of GitHub came as a surprise to many in the tech industry. Microsoft acquired GitHub, Inc. for $7.5 billion. This came as a big surprise because in 2001, then Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer was against open source software and ca