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Appreciating the joy of learning With Dr.M.S. Ananth

On the 17th of February, Kurukshetra '17 organized a guest-lecture by Dr. M.S. Ananth, a prominent academic who served as the Director of the Indian Institute of Technology- Madras, from 2001 to 2011.  The Guindy Times had an opportunity to interview

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As the Kurukshetra banners and posters were being removed one by one after the end of the four day extravaganza, we got in touch with Krishna, Student Director – Design team, who gave us insights into what was new, how the 11th edition shaped up and

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‘Be my guest!’ - An Interview with the Guest Lectures Kore

Amidst the hustle and bustle of Kurukshetra, Akshara Vishwanathan (one of the Guest Lecture Kores) took some time out from her busy schedule to give GT an exclusive interview. As we settled down in the Turing Hall after the last guest lecture, Akshar

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Media Matters - An Interview with the K! Media team

"Kurukshetra, powered by The Hindu", say the resplendent banners as they proudly welcome students of the state and beyond.  Saravana (final year, ECE), the Student Director of the K! Media Team looks on, sharing his happiness with The Guindy Times.

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In conversation with the K! Logistics team

Kurukshetra is the biggest fest down here in the south of India. How do you, as the logistics team, manage the logistics for this event? We basically receive a database of requirements towards the end. During June-December we discuss and estimate wh

Santhi Soundararajan was the proud winner of the “Living Phoenix” K!arnival Award of Kurukshetra 2017. The mere mention of her name evokes pride in all Indians and especially Tamilians. This woman’s journey in athletics is an ordeal that inspires us

On the 17th of February, Kurukshetra '17 organized a guest-lecture by Dr. M.S. Ananth, a prominent academic who served as the Director of the Indian Institute of Technology- Madras, from 2001 to 2011.  The Guindy Times had an opportunity to interview

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As the Kurukshetra banners and posters were being removed one by one after the end of the four day extravaganza, we got in touch with Krishna, Student Director – Design team, who gave us insights into what was new, how the 11th edition shaped up and

Right around the corner of the biggest technical event held on campus, two final year students Sanduni Kodagoda and Srivibhav Lakshman - student directors of CTF's newest team - took some time to chat with us on their work and why it helps everyone.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of Kurukshetra, Akshara Vishwanathan (one of the Guest Lecture Kores) took some time out from her busy schedule to give GT an exclusive interview. As we settled down in the Turing Hall after the last guest lecture, Akshar

Chatting with the official 'geeks' of CTF is definitely exciting. Here's an excerpt from the interview with the Tech k!ores – Sai Mageshvar and Neeharika Immaneni, where everything from the new strategies to the VR enabled website was discussed. Wha

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Media Matters - An Interview with the K! Media team

"Kurukshetra, powered by The Hindu", say the resplendent banners as they proudly welcome students of the state and beyond.  Saravana (final year, ECE), the Student Director of the K! Media Team looks on, sharing his happiness with The Guindy Times.

Catchy words, attractive phrases and minimalist content that conveyed the essence of the events and workshops were easily one of the reasons for the huge success of Kurukshetra 2017. Reshma Pothen, the Student Director of the Creativity and Content M

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In conversation with the K! Logistics team

Kurukshetra is the biggest fest down here in the south of India. How do you, as the logistics team, manage the logistics for this event? We basically receive a database of requirements towards the end. During June-December we discuss and estimate wh

As the stage was being set for the eleventh edition of Kurukshetra, the Guindy Times had a brief chat to know how the Industrial Relations team of CEG Tech Forum worked, especially with situations like the demonetisation having taken a toll in the sp