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Varsha Vijayakumar's Articles

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CEG Startups #1 - Varnith, Simply Handcrafted.

This is a short write up on how Varnith was conceived, what it stands for and what it is today.    Firstly, a short introduction to myself. I am Varsha Vijayakumar, doing my MSc. Integrated in IT, final year. Since my childhood, I had always been i

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CEG Startups #1 - Varnith, Simply Handcrafted.

This is a short write up on how Varnith was conceived, what it stands for and what it is today.    Firstly, a short introduction to myself. I am Varsha Vijayakumar, doing my MSc. Integrated in IT, final year. Since my childhood, I had always been i