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Article ' s on Terrorist attacks and their remembrance

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The Mayhem of Mumbai– 26/11

A little over a decade ago, in India's most populous city, the nightmare that proved too painful to ever be forgotten occurred and the ephialtes lasted four days. The horrific siege brought the entire city to a standstill, plagued with horror and pan

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Tiananmen Square Massacre

On April 15, 1989, the death of Hu Yaobang, a passionate liberalizer and a purge reform-minded Communist Party Leader, caused something big to stir up in China, something no one was prepared for and something the world had never witnessed before.

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2015 Paris Attacks

Imagine this: You’ve been looking forward to this day for a while, to meet your friends and head out to a football game, a café or a rock concert, expecting to have a good time, maybe even the best of your life. Then, with no forewarning whatsoever,

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The Mayhem of Mumbai– 26/11

A little over a decade ago, in India's most populous city, the nightmare that proved too painful to ever be forgotten occurred and the ephialtes lasted four days. The horrific siege brought the entire city to a standstill, plagued with horror and pan

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Tiananmen Square Massacre

On April 15, 1989, the death of Hu Yaobang, a passionate liberalizer and a purge reform-minded Communist Party Leader, caused something big to stir up in China, something no one was prepared for and something the world had never witnessed before.

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2015 Paris Attacks

Imagine this: You’ve been looking forward to this day for a while, to meet your friends and head out to a football game, a café or a rock concert, expecting to have a good time, maybe even the best of your life. Then, with no forewarning whatsoever,