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goods's Articles

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The 80 20 Rule

A rule fundamental to every human being’s life is that 80 percent of the results will come from merely 20 percent of the action - a fairly statistical concept. If you’re not a big fan of probability and statistics, the good thing about this rule is y

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Made In China? Say No More.

Charles Boycott, who belonged to the late 19th Century, was a land agent from Ireland. The locals, who were fed up with his administration methods, decided to stop working for him and ultimately ostracized him and his services. This event made him so

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The 80 20 Rule

A rule fundamental to every human being’s life is that 80 percent of the results will come from merely 20 percent of the action - a fairly statistical concept. If you’re not a big fan of probability and statistics, the good thing about this rule is y

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Made In China? Say No More.

Charles Boycott, who belonged to the late 19th Century, was a land agent from Ireland. The locals, who were fed up with his administration methods, decided to stop working for him and ultimately ostracized him and his services. This event made him so