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deceptive's Articles

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Deconstructing Doublespeak

Doublespeak, put simply, is language designed to evade responsibility. It’s the strategic manipulation of language to influence the opinions of others by representing the truth in a false manner. According to American linguist William Lutz, doublespe

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The Bootstrap Fallacy

One of the more misleading narratives regarding economic mobility is the ‘Bootstrap Narrative’. It is essentially the belief that an individual who works hard, assumes personal responsibility, and maintains a strong moral center can climb the economi

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Deconstructing Doublespeak

Doublespeak, put simply, is language designed to evade responsibility. It’s the strategic manipulation of language to influence the opinions of others by representing the truth in a false manner. According to American linguist William Lutz, doublespe

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The Bootstrap Fallacy

One of the more misleading narratives regarding economic mobility is the ‘Bootstrap Narrative’. It is essentially the belief that an individual who works hard, assumes personal responsibility, and maintains a strong moral center can climb the economi