

Enjoy your read!

Things We’re Doing This Extended Holidays (through puppy pictures)

  1. Sleeping for insane number of double digit hours.












  1. Start checking out the stream of new memes when it starts raining.








  1. Worry about how much you’re worrying about the exams that you know you’re going to  mess up anyway because mathematically,

More number of holidays = more time to waste

More time wasted = deeper into the wasting time ‘bodhai’ where you never want to study ever again

Deeper into the wasting time ‘bodhai’ where you never want to study ever again = poor performance.









  1. Wanting to gift this to thalaivar Ramanan.









  1. Stare out of the window whilst  listening to music, melodramatically.













  1. Everytime our parents ask us to use these holidays productively,

“I ammmm! I willlll!”

















  1. Jumping in the rain,

feeling young again,

forgetting life pressures,

woohoo! #THXRAIN









Tagged in : Reviews, Aishwarya Valliappan, My space, Abraham John, Gayathri Govindarajan,