Category 1: The nerd society of Anna University
A typical student of this group would have got a cut-off anywhere between 199.25-200, would aim to get a very high GPA in his first semester (read 9.5+) and try to maintain it as he/she gains his/her foothold into the college. Sits in the first bench, takes down neat notes. Prepares for CAT, GRE from the third year, gets Microsoft internship, ends up landing a dream job and takes it up.
Wears formals, neatly ironed, hair combed with oil. Speaks to similar people only.
Where to find them: Somewhere in the first few rows of the class, library.
Highs in college life: Getting placed in a dream company
Lows in college life: Close friend getting more marks than him/her.
Category 2: The rich dudes
Complains from day one about the lack of infrastructure, how school life was way better, how bad the teachers are. Insults fellow students behind their backs, brands them, reproaches parents for making them join this college. Drives a BMW, plays FIFA, holidays in Australia, has a CGPA of 6.5. As he grows up, experiences all sinful pleasures of life, indulges in daring activities including late night rides at ECR, parties hard.
Hangs around in large groups talking loudly in English and putting scene.
Wears US Polo shirts and Nike flip-flops. Tommy watch and iPhones are the norms.
Where to find them: NRI hostel, Kotturpuram car park (sitting inside the cars)
Highs: Going out with the hottest girl in college for a year
Lows: Those inebriated days where everything you talk is recorded on camera
Category 3: The chill, success seeking group
Makes use of the college to the fullest, asks technical doubts from day one, involves in projects that could add to the resume, joins various clubs. Doesn't really put that much effort but yet achieves considerable success. Explores the city whenever time permits. Tries the decadent activities for the thrill of it. Has the dream of becoming an “American Mapillai”.
Dressing sense slowly graduates from neatly ironed formals to Jack & Jones semi casuals, Aviator shades and crocs. Tries to have nice conversations with everybody.
Where to find them: Globe, department labs, Gurunath stores, Anna Centenary Library.
Highs: Organizing events in Kurukshetra, participating and winnnig coding competitions
Lows: Seesawing career path

Category 4: The ‘Alternate Career’ group
The only reason he/she would have chosen this college was because of the proximity of it to his/her house and training ground. Has 80% attendance at the start, which slowly goes down as semesters pass. Acts like he/she’s too busy to notice others. Runs around the campus for ODs. Is lost and left out when people prepare for placements and internships. Dreams of becoming someone big in life, someone their peers will look up and notice, sometime down the line.
Doesn’t care about the dressing sense or presentability. Is a closed book.
Where to find them: Ground, sports board, ground.
Highs: When he/she gets time to hang out with friends.
Lows: Not getting recognition where it deserves.
Category 5: The ‘I don’t care’ group
Needs a decent job/lifestyle, took up this college because his/her parents told him/her to. Enjoys the campus, hostel life, girls, guys, canteen and gallery. Has a mediocre CGPA (7 point someone). Never misses Thala-Thalapathy releases, up to date with all gossip, does last minute preparation for all exams. Tries everything from film making to flirting. Has long associations with the ACOE (if you know what I mean).
Wears everything that looks good according to his/her friends. Goes with the universal trend.
The real ‘jolly’ character. Talks to everyone.
Where to find them: ATM, roads inside and outside campus, movie theatres, last few benches at classrooms.
Highs: Reckless enjoyment with friends.
Lows: Hiding marks and results from parents.
Category 6: The love bugs
Checks out the chicks the moment he lands up in college. Participates in culturals for the sole purpose of getting famous and attracting the opposite gender. Hopes every person that looks good is single. Enters into a relationship and gets life into complications, forgets close friends for a while. Breaks up, goes into another one. Spends a lot of time at the gallery, coffee shops in and around the campus. Ends up spending a lot of time and money. In the end, realizes that it can’t last forever. Quits it all and focuses on CAT, GRE or placements. Basically gets serious with life in the end.
Where to find them: Green benches, the tree enclosure near VC office, Gallery during the evenings, IIT Café Coffee Day.
Highs and Lows: People under this category undergo extreme mood swings and their entire life is filled with highs and lows. It is difficult to list one.
By the time you reach the end of this article, I’m hoping you would have been able to relate yourself to one of these categories. I’ve done a good job in that case.
If not, please feel free to give a comment about the group which you might be part of, that hasn’t featured here. We would all like to know.
DISCLAIMER: Everything you read in this article is just for fun. No hurt intended to anyone in particular. Anyone finding any extreme similarties to anything in this may consider it to be completely coincidental, and is requested not to take on the author head to head. Thanks.
The author is a foodie, an Arsenal fan and is on track to become a Velayilla Pattathari who hopes to travel around the world some day.