

Enjoy your read!

Deprived and Denied

an imbalance yin and yang

Her expectations and reality,
One never complied with the other!

Her life – worthy of nothing

Perhaps can offer some ideas
For expectation vs. reality memes!


Her attempt to tempt fate
Started when she was eight.

Wanted gesso for her canvas
Got rangoli powder instead!

Was offered a ladle

When she was up on the ladder!

She wanted to cleanse her soul
Petty folks wanted her to clean vessels!


Her idea of beauty –

A crown of success! Soon,

Replaced by a wreath of flowers!


Subscribing to age-old dogma

They thought that to be obedience

She considered that to be ignorance!


She was wanted to sacrifice herself

Service is how they called it

Servitude is how she mocked it!


She was celebrated by them

When she danced well to their tunes.

She was trampled by their feet

As she started to compose her own!


They looked at her as an evil-star

Descended to ruin society!

But no one ever understood

Some called it her nature

Some claimed it was nurture!

Her freedom was not just delayed

But was ultimately denied!

Tagged in : My space, Adithi V.,