"According to the Guinness Book of World records Engineering is ranked as the toughest academic course in the world, and to do that you have to give yourself credit." says Dr.B.Muralidharan, welding expert from IIW (Indian Institute of Welding) while addressing the Material Science Department on the occasion of its intercollegiate symposium - Krysta.
25th , 26th & 27th September was not only the period when the verdict came out but was also the days the Material Science department's intercollegiate symposium took place. After the exams on 25th morning, the students set out to decorate the entrance of the Mechanical department with flowers. In a span of 2 hours the department underwent transformation which resulted in cleaner floors, a pretty rangoli to welcome guests and new attractive posters all around. During this time the organisers got all their logistics in place. 25th afternoon around 3 pm, the inauguration began in the presence of Dr.Sangeetha, Dr. Pradeep and the Mechanical department HOD Dr. L. Karunamoorthy.
26th, the following day was the "Events day" as they like to call it. The events day by far was the day where students got to showcase their talents, creativity and at the same time have fun. 6 events took place on this day and these include the Hephaestus Oracle, Inquisition(treasure hunt), paper presentation, general quiz, Engineering Connections (technical event) and Megatronite(lexicon). When asked, one of the 4th year students, he said "This year the whole event has been done in a larger scale. As of now we have our own Krysta Site which is quite amazing! Also the quiz event , megaronite -events on day 2 were all different and quite exciting. The material science department has outdone itself."
This year the whole event has been done in a larger scale. Also the events on day 2 were all different and exciting. The Material Science department has outdone itself.
This was followed by the 3rd day of Krysta or the workshop day. Dr.B.Muralidharan and other well known experts in the field of welding addressed the gathering. The workshop was on 'Industrial Weldiing Process'. They talked about IIW, the various aspects of welding and the different oppurtunities that exisit if one were to pursue it. Students from SVCE, St. Joseph's had also come to attend this workshop. A demo was shown for better understanding of this process. The event as a whole was a grand success.
Premkumar (President of Society of Material Science Engineers) and Bhoopathy (President of Madras Metallurgical Society (MMS) ) had indeed done themselves proud by Illuminating obscurities.