Geohorizon is the annual technical symposium conducted by the Society of Geoinformatics Engineers which is constituted by the undergraduate students studying Geoinformatics at College of Engineering, Guindy. It was started in 2005, and has the distinction of being the first among Geospatial symposiums to be conducted and held in India. It usually takes place during the second week of March every year where students can present papers, attend workshops and participate in a plethora of events with attractive prizes.
Society of Geoinformatics Engineers (SGE) is located at Institute of Remote Sensing (IRS), Anna University, Chennai. Activities of SGE are mainly executed by the students with guidance from the faculty members, focusing on the upcoming geospatial techno innovations. This year saw the 10th edition of the national level technical symposium being held on 2nd and 3rd April, 2016 offering students a chance to exhibit their skills and participate in various technical and non-technical events with cash prizes worth Rs. 1.5 Lakh.
Technical events consisted of “Geomadness”- identifying satellite images of countries; “Manageria” – testing one’s logical thinking and crisis solving abilities; the ever popular “General quiz” and a few more. This year also witnessed fun non-technical events like “Treasure Hunt,” thereby promoting a healthy balance of events giving students from all over the college a chance to participate.
Geohorizon also conducted online events like “Alohomora” and “Scooby’s Quest.” Two workshops were conducted this year namely, “Revolutionizing mapping” and “Survey simplified”.
Geohorizon was a continuing success this year too, with hundreds of participants from all over the state taking part in it, be it for gaining profound knowledge from the workshops or to test their skills in the events. The Guindy Times wishes the team that this be a trend that is going to continue for years to come.