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Are we losing ourselves trying to be better than someone else?

Comparison! Something we have experienced right from our school days. It is common for parents to compare our grades with a relative or neighbour. But does it end there? Somewhere along the way, our parents stop comparing us, and we start comparing ourselves with others we perceive to be better than us.

This comparison can be of two types - one is looking up to someone and getting inspired by their success to achieve our goals, while the other is watching their success and trying to be better than them. The former is healthy - it keeps us motivated and helps us with our ambitions. However, the latter develops an urge to be better than them. This urge can negatively impact our goals, as everyone is different. Research has also proved that such comparisons can lead to envy, low self-confidence and low self-esteem.

This comparison is subjective and applies to all aspects of our lives. Although this is a natural tendency, we should learn to accept that everyone is unique and learn from others instead of feeling jealous. We should also make sure that we do not lose ourselves and our dreams in the pursuit of trying to be better than someone else. Value yourself based on your journey, how it was in the past, and how it has improved since then. Use this to focus on bringing out the best version of yourself.

Everyone has their own unique set of talents and capabilities. There is no point in comparing ourselves with others. As Einstein once said, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” So instead of trying to be better than someone else, let us spend more time finding and working on our talents and focus on realising our dreams. 

Let us work on being the best version of ourselves. 

Tagged in : Jealousy, Inspiration, Comparison,